Sunday, September 23, 2012

The Birthday Girl!

A few weeks ago I had the pleasure of documenting this little girls Second Birthday at My Gym and it was the perfect place for a party!  But what kind of party isn't great with a beautiful cake, smiling parents, circle time, Elmo, a pretty pink dress and family in from Venezuela?!  Cheers to you, Scott & Monica on celebrating another year with your daughter and Happy Birthday Zoe!  Enjoy!


Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Portraits on The Beach!

It was so spectacular to hear from an old classmate at Cardinal Newman about having family photos taken for her and her family.  I must say that I honestly felt "giddy like a school girl" from anticipation over seeing someone who I hadn't seen in ten plus years!  It made for some serious reflection on reality of what's happened in the last (okay, so we are Class of '00 Graduates!!) twelve years and it's funny how this timeline of events often holds true for many of my friends and classmates since High School:  Walking Down the Aisle, Loving the Blissful Joy found in a new life shared, starting a company or watching friends begin their dreamsHaving a Baby, and continuing as each day in appreciation of the milestones.  Wow, bet you didn't expect to have a decade of nostalgia wrapped into a single blog entry!  In any event, wishing Petrina and her family much fun while perusing their photos: