Saturday, November 6, 2010

Children's Tumor Foundation Walk

What a beautiful morning for a walk!  And any morning that is devoted to helping others makes for it's own kind of beauty.  Combine the two and you have a great start to your day, much like today!  Fortunately the chilly 50 degree weather didn't stop anyone from bundling up and joining to support the Children's Tumor Network.  It was great to see the Jupiter High School teens gathering to create different activity stations for the children, New Path Chiropractic set up with a prominent adjusting tent, the clowns bouncily making an entrance after much horn-tooting and to have a local deejay from Wild 95.5 megaphone everyone together for a panoramic picture (stay tuned for that as there were so many people in attendance it will need to be patched together to get everyone in!).  Thank goodness my shutter was up to speed for all of the families buzzing about.  Below are just a few images from today, the album can be viewed  via the "Buy Prints" link on  Enjoy!

p.s.- Yes, my favorite pic happens to be of a balloon.  I know...

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