What a cute couple- full of energy, smiles, throw-your-head-back laughter and oh-so-fresh in their white coordinates! All of the elements were just right for an Engagement Shoot at the beach. So the little story for this couple's photo session stems back further than just that day:
Intro text on September 1st from the Bride: "I just got back from Rome and Piotr and I got engaged!!"
Talks begin and a September 19th Photo session is planned. The bride cannot wait...
Thursday, September 17 text to Bride: "Yay! If the sunrise and sky is anything like today on Sunday then we'll have some fab backdrops for your photographs!!"
Thursday's response: "Yay I hope so!"
Good communication with the bride, moralle is high...
Saturday, 8:00p.m.- Socializing at our HS Reunion with my husband whilst I don't know:
Husband says, "Congratulations! I hear Erica is taking your pictures."
Bride says, "Yes, Sunday morning."
Husband says, "Yes, early. Very early time, huh?"
Bride responds, "Well, Erica told us that was the best time of day..."
Husband informs, "Well, Erica is not much of a morning person! (insert rum-and-coke laughter!)"
Brides face...well, I can only imagine her face. Actually, I lay awake until 4a.m. that night contemplating how to rebuild said bride's presumed wavering confidence.
Sunday, 7:00a.m.: alarm goes off, it's time to do jumping jacks to revive my spirits and shake up the juices (well, I did mental jumping jacks, if you will, but the thought was there!).
Sunday, 7:32a.m. text to Bride: "Morning! See you in a few- get excited!! It's beautiful out!!!"
Response from Bride is a "Yay!" so confidence is restored. Whew!!
So all previous worries were quickly pushed to the wayside when the couple arrived, the camera came out and the joke about how early in just happened to be was stated. Thank goodness for all of the giggles along the way from kissing in front of a camera, running-start leaps into arms and the ocean washing away our pretty sand declaration of coupledom moments after completion! It was such a marvelous experience and I'm proud to say that the pictures prove it. Here's to a happy life together that's forever as playful as today's images (Congratulations Genevieve & Piotr!!)!

And if I may add, for those of you wondering about the status of my husband, he is fantastic and made strides toward betterment in my eyes by empathizing with the Gator graphics on their form of payment today. I believe his words were, "well I hope she was charged more for that...". All words of camaraderie aside, I love him to pieces and am beyond thankful to have experienced my giggly engagement moments with him. Cheers! ...and Go 'Noles!